New Zealand Adventure Tours
Canyon Swing & Fox
- Available Year Round
- From $295
The team at Shotover Canyon Swing & Fox are the crazy (but friendly) people in New Zealand who encourage you to jump off a cliff and swing into a canyon just for fun! At the home of the world's highest cliff jumps, the famous 109m high Canyon Swing and 182m high Canyon Fox are just the ticket to get your heart pumping and put a smile on your face.
You are responsible for taking a leap of faith and fearlessly diving into the famous Queenstown canyon and you have two options to choose from. You can either launch yourself off a cliff from 109m high and swing over the Shotover River or play with gravity and experience a terrifying (but amazing) zipline across the canyon. Combine the two and show gravity whose boss!
IMPORTANT INFO: Maximum solo weight of 160kgs, Maximum combined tandem weight of 180kgs Not suitable for expectant mothers.
See more about this activity provider here, however in order to ensure bookings work within your trip itinerary, please book directly with your guide on tour.
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