4 Reasons Why Your Travelling Buddies Will Probably Become Friends For Life
By Wild Kiwi Team published on 3 October 2017
Your travel buddies are always going to be a massive part of every adventure. On your New Zealand holidays your travel pals will be there through everything – wild nights out, adrenaline inducing activities and those out of this world meals. And that’s why we reckon you’ll stick by each other, through thick and thin and probably for the rest of your lives.
You’ll Connect With Like Minded People
Although you’ll all be from many different walks of life, it’s also likely you’ll quickly stumble across lots of things you have in common and similar reasons for embarking on an adventure of a lifetime.
You’ll REALLY Get To Know Each Other
Spending so much time together means you’ll quickly gain super deep understandings of each other. You’ll get to see each other’s quirks and the personality traits that make you who you are and although you’ll see each other at your worst – think snoring away happily open-mouthed or desperately searching through your belongings for a lost ticket or passport – you’ll all learn to appreciate each other for who you are right now, with no judgement!
Shared Adventures And Experiences On Your New Zealand Holidays
There will be things on your travel itinerary that you’ll feel apprehensive about. Someone may need a bit of a friendly nudge in the right direction to have a go at something totally new. But you’ll all always be in it together, which will make conquering the once seemingly unconquerable even more special and meaningful.
Your Friendship Will Survive Distance
We’ve all got friends who we’re only close with because we get to see each other all the time, and that’s totally great! But we also need people in our lives who will always be present, even if there are thousands of miles between us. And, as an added bonus, when you’re reunited with your travel buddies you’ll be able to reminisce together without sounding at all like you’re bragging too much about your adventures!