7 Reasons Why You’ll Love Hobbiton Even If You’re Not A Huge LOTR Fan

By Wild Kiwi Team published on 15 April 2018

Every Lord of the Rings fan is already guaranteed to love (and perhaps even shed a few tears at) the wonder that is Hobbiton, but this isn’t just an adventure solely for Hobbit super fans. New Zealand holidays aren’t complete without a wander around Hobbiton and here’s why.

1. You’ll Feel Overcome With Childlike Wonder

There’s something about actually getting to step inside a fictional world that’s inherently magical regardless of age or even whether you’re familiar with the story. Stories have the power to live inside us forever and holding on to a little bit of childlike wonder is genuinely good for the soul.


A post shared by Hobbiton Movie Set (@hobbitontours) on Mar 28, 2018 at 1:56pm PDT

2. The Attention To Detail Is Mind-Blowing

From washing lines with Hobbit laundry drying in the sunshine to picnics on the dock and gardening tools propped up in Hobbit gardens. Hobbiton both looks and feels so real you’ll find yourself expecting Frodo himself to walk around the next corner.


A post shared by Hobbiton Movie Set (@hobbitontours) on May 8, 2015 at 4:03pm PDT

3. You’ll Leave With An Even Greater Appreciation For The Film-Making Process

Your guide will be full of insider information and ready to spill all the secrets!

4. It Makes A Pretty Incredible Selfie Background

We challenge you NOT to want a picture of yourself standing in front of a Hobbit house. You won’t be able to resist!

5. Chill In The Green Dragon On Your New Zealand Holidays

A guaranteed crowd pleaser, take a seat in the Green Dragon Inn and enjoy a pint of specially-brewed New Zealand ale, apple cider, or non-alcoholic ginger beer. If it’s chilly, you can sit beside the roaring fire or, on warm afternoons, enjoy the beer garden.


A post shared by Hobbiton Movie Set (@hobbitontours) on Apr 30, 2017 at 1:40pm PDT

6. There’s Plenty Of Food Too!

Hobbits love their food so it should come as no surprise that you’ll find everything from freshly baked cookies to homemade stews, soups, pies, and ploughman sandwiches adorning the menu. Let’s just say that you won’t leave hungry!


A post shared by Hobbiton Movie Set (@hobbitontours) on Apr 13, 2018 at 2:27pm PDT

7. You Probably Won’t Want To Leave

Everyone leaves Hobbiton with a soft spot for this charming and oh-so-welcoming village. We’d move in if we could!


A post shared by Hobbiton Movie Set (@hobbitontours) on Mar 21, 2018 at 12:21pm PDT

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