9 Reasons To Travel In 2018
By Wild Kiwi Team published on 29 July 2018
If you’re looking for a reason to book yourself a place on a Wild Kiwi Tour this year, then read on!
Your Travel Dreams Don’t Have To Remain Dreams Forever
This might sound like a quote that you’d find written in cursive over an #aesthetic picture of a scenic landscape on tumblr, but the sentiment is sincere. If you can dream it you can live it.
Comfort Zone? What Comfort Zone
Sometimes the best things happen when you step outside your comfort zone. Life doesn’t have to be an endless cycle of work, eat, sleep, repeat. There’s a whole world out there!
Rewards Always Outweigh The Risks
Don’t let travel trepidation hold you back. Overthinking is a one-way street to talking yourself out of some incredible things. So, throw caution to the wind and, in the immortal words of Shia LaBeouf, just do it.
Boost That Knowledge Bank
As well as exposing you to new cultures, foods, and an array of life skills, travel can also give you a whole new perspective. And it just might change your life forever.
Some Incredible Experiences Await
Ever wanted to stargaze beneath mountains, hike across a glacier, or drift through a cave illuminated softly by glow worms? Travel provides opportunities to experience incredible things, some of which even the wildest imaginations could never dream.
Connect With Incredible People On A Wild Kiwi Tour
Meeting new people can inspire you and can be a huge confidence booster. Who knows, you might meet your next travel buddy, pen pal, or even a new love.
You Deserve It
You know, you really don’t give yourself enough credit. You’re great and you totally deserve to treat yo’self.
Relax To The Max
In an increasingly hyper-connected world, unplugging is what all the cool kids are doing. Don’t get us wrong, we love all the digital social stuff and we totally advocate snapping heaps of photos and updating your instastories, but you deserve some chill time too.
Why Not?
If not now, when?